Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Gas Station

1. Where did you find this number or these numbers, or where would a person normally see them?
I found these numbers at a local gas station. A person would usually find them at pretty much any gas station.
2. Who put the numbers there?
The gas companies put the numbers there and change them as gas prices change.
3. Who are the numbers for?
The numbers are for consumers who use transportation that requires gas to run it.
4. What information are the numbers supposed to be giving?
The numbers tell consumers how much gas currently is (per litre here) for both regular fuel and diesel.
5. Are the numbers accurate? Do they tell the truth? Is there more information a person using them should know? How do they make you feel? 
Are the numbers being used in way that is specific to place or information or the people who will be using them?
I would say that they are accurate for that specific station as a lot of stations have prices that vary, but their prices are usually in the same range.

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