Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Nutrition Label

1. Where did you find this number or these numbers, or where would a person normally see them?
I found these numbers on a Dr. Pepper drink I was having for lunch under the Nutrition Facts. A person would usually find them on pretty much any food item.
2. Who put the numbers there?
The Government is regulated to put these numbers on most foods for consumers.
3. Who are the numbers for?
The numbers are for pretty much anyone who chooses to consume or review any food product
4. What information are the numbers supposed to be giving?
The numbers are supposed to tell consumers a variety of information such as nutrition info (calories, fat, sodium, etc) and the amount of product in either total or serving size.
5. Are the numbers accurate? Do they tell the truth? Is there more information a person using them should know? How do they make you feel? 
Are the numbers being used in way that is specific to place or information or the people who will be using them?
I would say that they are accurate as they are put there by the government for consumers to regulate their health, nutrition and overall wellness.

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